Best Casino Video Poker

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Home > Online Casinos > Casino Articles > 10 Best Video Poker Games

If you want to get the best odds in the casino, you really only have 2 choices-blackjack and video poker. When it comes to blackjack, you're basically looking at a single game with a few rules variations. But with video poker, you have multiple games to choose from.

But which of these games offer the player the best odds?

I should start by explaining why video poker games are such a good choice for the casino gambler, especially when compared to their not-so-distant cousins, slot machines. The rest of this introduction explains that, then I'll explain which games you should look for and how you should play them.

Transparent Odds versus Opaque Odds

The first thing you should understand about video poker compared to slot machines is transparency. When you play a slot machine, you know how much the payoffs are for the various symbol combinations.

What you don't know are the odds of getting any particular symbol.

This is what makes the math behind a slot machine opaque to anyone except the designers and the casinos.

But a video poker game uses the same probabilities as a 52 card deck of playing cards. Everyone knows the probabilities related to a deck of cards. You have a 1/52 chance of getting any particular card, a 1/13 chance of getting a card of any particular ranking, and a 1/4 chance of getting a card of any particular suit.

Since you also know the payoffs for the various combinations-in video poker games, they're called 'hands'-you can calculate the game's expected return.

That's not as complicated a calculation as you might think, either. You just list all the possible outcomes. Then you multiply the probability of winding up with each of those outcomes with how much it pays off. Add all those numbers up, and you have the overall expected return for the game. This is also sometimes called the game's payback percentage.

The House Edge and the Payback Percentage

When you're talking about the math behind a table game in a casino, you usually discuss the game's edge or the 'house edge'. But when we discuss the math behind a gambling machine, we talk about the game's 'payback percentage'. Both numbers are different ways of expressing the same concept.

The house edge is the amount of each bet that a casino expects to win over the long run. It's an average that applies to tens of thousands of bets.

The payback percentage is the amount of each bet that a casino expects to pay back to the player over the long run. It's also an average over tens of thousands of hands.

If you know a game's payback percentage, you can subtract it from 100% to get the house edge.

Here's an example:

When you're playing blackjack, the house edge might be 0.5% That means that over time, the casino has a mathematical expectation that you'll lose 50 cents out of every $100 you bet.

When you're playing Jacks or Better video poker, the payback percentage might be 99.54%. That means that over time, the casino has a mathematical expectation that you'll win $99.54 for every $100 you bet.

You could convert that 0.5% into a 99.5% payback percentage. You could also convert that 99.54% into a 0.46% house edge.

Both bets offer similar odds. The main difference is the way in which each game plays out.

Decisions Matter

Here's the 2nd thing you need to understand about video poker games:

Your decisions matter.

This is a major difference between video poker games and slot machines. With a slot machine, you just put your money in and pull the lever and hope for the best.

You do the same thing in video poker games, but you have an extra step:

You get to decide which cards to keep and which cards to throw away.

Since there are 32 different ways to play each hand, you have a significant number of choices facing you on every video poker hand. Only one of those choices offers the highest expected return. Online casino usa accepted.

Here's an example:

You're dealt a hand that consists of the jack of clubs, the jack of hearts, the queen of hearts, the king of hearts, and the ace of hearts.

So you have a pair of jacks, and you could hold those 2 cards and guarantee yourself an even money (1 for 1) payoff. That's a 100% chance of getting a 1 unit payoff, which is an expected value of 1.

But you also could throw away the jack of clubs and hope to hit a royal flush. The royal flush pays off at 800 to 1. Since the odds of filling your hand are 1 in 47, you're looking at a roughly 2% chance of winning 800 coins. That's an expected value of 16.

16 is clearly better than 1, so that's the correct play in this situation. That's obviously an overly simplified look at this decision, since there are several other potential decisions and outcomes. But those are the 2 most obvious ways to play the hand.

You can find strategy charts for most video poker games online-including on specific pages on this site. These charts are organized as lists of hands. The hands with the best expected return are listed at the top, so you start from the top and work your way down. You keep the first hand that matches what you're holding.

Pay Tables

Finally, you want to be familiar with how a pay table for a video poker game works. Even though a game shares a name with another game, the pay table might be different. The differences in the pay tables make a significant difference in the payback percentage.

Here's an example:

A 9/6 Jacks or Better game has a 99.54% payback percentage. The 9/6 in the title of the game refers to the payoff for a full house and a flush. The former pays off at 9 to 1, while the latter pays off at 6 to 1. They don't list this on the title of the game on the machine, by the way. You have to read the pay table.

You can compare that to an 8/5 Jacks or Better game, which has a 97.3% payback percentage. The 1 unit difference in payoffs for those 2 hands has a significant effect on your odds.

How significant?

Think about the average hourly loss on a gambling machine. You calculate this number by multiplying the number of hands per hour you're playing by the average you're betting per hand. That's the total amount of action you're getting in per hour.

Multiply the total hourly action by the house edge, and you get your average expected hourly loss.

On a full pay (or 9/6) Jacks or Better game, the house edge is 100% - 99.54%, or 0.46%.

On the 8/5 Jacks or Better game, the house edge is 100% - 97.3%, or 2.7%.

If you're playing for $5 per hand, and you're playing 600 hands per hour, you're putting $3000 into action each hour.

0.54% of $3000 is $16.20 per hour in expected losses. Keep in mind that this is over the course of tens of thousands of hands. In any single hour, you might be doing much better or much worse than this. But if you play long enough, your results should come pretty close to resembling this number.

2.7% of $3000 is $81 per hour in expected losses. That's 5 times as much money in the casino's pocket and out of yours.

So it's easy to see why you should educate yourself about the various pay tables and their payback percentages.

Luckily, you don't have to work out the calculations with a pencil and paper every time you play. You can look these numbers up online. In fact, I can give you the 10 best games to look for-which is what the rest of this post is all about.

Jacks or Better

I have multiple reasons for listing Jacks or Better as the #1 video poker game you should play. It's not because this is the game with the best odds, although if you can find a game with a 9/6 pay table, you are looking at one of the best games in the house. Mostly it's because Jacks or Better is the foundation upon which knowledge of all other video poker games rests.

Jacks or Better is pretty straightforward. It's based on 5 card draw. You're dealt 5 cards, you get to choose which ones to keep and which ones to throw away, and then you get paid off based on the poker hand ranking of your end result. The lowest-paying hand is a pair of jacks or higher. A pair of tens or less doesn't pay out anything. The highest-paying hand is a royal flush, which pays off at 800 to 1 if you bet 5 coins per hand. (If you bet 4 coins or fewer, it only pays out 250 to 1, so always play max coins.)

One of the reasons I like this game so much is because it's also easy to spot the better pay tables. I discussed earlier that game designers and casinos normally only adjust the payoffs on 2 hands for this game-the full house and the flush. When they pay off at 9 and 6, then you're looking at a game with a 99.54% payback percentage. Those are some of the best odds in the house.

The other thing I like about Jacks or Better is that strategy is more or less straightforward. You can find strategy charts for this game at any number of websites, and it isn't that hard to learn. In fact, you can find simplified strategy charts that you can memorize in a few minutes that only give up 0.1% in payback percentage when compared to the complete strategy.

And once you know how to play Jacks or Better, almost every other video poker game in the casino becomes easy to learn. The only video poker game I can think of that doesn't mimic Jacks or Better in almost every particular is Pick'em Poker, which is also called Pick a Pair Poker. It's on this list, too, and it's a simplified version of video poker-more about that later.

Deuces Wild

The 2nd most common video poker variation is Deuces Wild. This game plays almost exactly like Jacks or Better, but there's one big difference-all the 2s in the deck act as wild cards. This means they can stand in for any card you need to fill your hand. Since there are 4 of these cards in the deck, the difference in the value of your average final hand is significant.

Of course, a casino would have to be insane to offer the same pay table for this game that they offer for Jacks or Better. The odds of getting a pair skyrocket with the addition of the wild cards. And in fact, they offer VERY different pay tables for this game. In Deuces Wild, the lowest-paying hand is a 3 of a kind, in fact.

The highest-paying hand is still a royal flush, but Deuces Wild distinguishes between a natural royal flush and a wild royal flush. A natural royal flush still pays off at 800 to 1, because the odds are still the same. You'll see a natural royal flush roughly once every 40,000 hands or so.

But the other big difference between Deuces Wild and Jacks or Better is how the pay tables are structured. In Deuces Wild, you don't have just 2 hands with different payoffs to keep up with. The designers and the casinos change up multiple payoffs on multiple hands, which makes it a little bit harder to choose a pay table.

But you can find Deuces Wild games with better payouts than Jacks or Better if you know what to look for. In fact, full pay Deuces Wild offers a payback percentage of 100.76%. This is called full pay Deuces Wild, and it's not the easiest game in the world to find. But it's not extinct or impossible to find, in spite of what some other gambling writers on the Internet might tell you.

Your best chance of finding Deuces Wild in its full pay format is to visit some of the casinos on Boulder Highway in Las Vegas. They cater to video poker players and offer the best pay tables in the industry.

But how much of an edge is 0.76%? Could you make a living playing this game?

As it turns out, probably not.

Here's why: Zipline at foxwoods.

Remember when I calculated the average hourly loss in the introduction? The math for calculating the average hourly win when you have an edge is the same. In this case, you take the amount of hourly action and multiply it by YOUR edge, in this case, 0.76%.

Assuming you can find a game with the right pay table and you can play it with perfect strategy, you might be able to make a little bit of money playing this game. Let's say you can find a game where you can play for a quarter, or $1.25 per hand. (You're betting 5 coins per hand, remember.)

That's $750 in action per hour. You expect to win $5.70 per hour on this game.

That's a far cry from losing an average of $16 per hour, but you'd have a hard time making a living at that wage. We're talking less than $240 per week if you played for 40 hours per week.

But what if you found a dollar machine, you ask? Couldn't you make over $20/hour on such a game?

I'm confident that a game with this pay table is not going to be available in that denomination. The casinos are too smart for that-even the ones on Boulder Highway.

And that's not a common pay table, even there.

A more common Deuces Wild pay table is called 'not so ugly' Deuces Wild. This game has a payback percentage of 99.73%. This is still better than full pay Jacks or Better, but it's still a long term winner for the casino.

Something else to keep in mind about Deuces Wild is that the game has a completely different strategy for playing than Jacks or Better. One aspect of this strategy is easy to remember though:

Never discard a deuce.

Another aspect of the correct strategy is this:

Never hold 2 pairs.

Bonus Poker

I always thought it was funny that Bonus Poker was considered a different game from Jacks or Better. The differences are minimal in terms of gameplay. It's still a video poker game with no wild cards. The lowest-paying hand is still a pair of jacks or better. And it still pays off 800 to 1 for a royal flush.

In fact, the only difference between Bonus Poker and Jacks or Better is the payoffs for the 4 of a kind. And depending on the cards making up the 4 of a kind, you might get a much bigger payoff than you'd expect in Jacks or Better.

Here's the difference:

In a Jacks or Better game, the payoff for 4 of a kind is consistent from game to game. It pays off 25 to 1.

But in Bonus Poker, it pays off based on the rank of the cards:

  • 4 aces pay off at 80 to 1.
  • 4 deuces, 3s, or 4s pay off at 40 to 1.
  • All other 4 of a kinds pay off at 25 to 1, just like in Jacks or Better

The payback percentage on a full pay Bonus Poker game is 99.17%. They pay for the bonuses on the 4 of a kind hands by adjusting the payoffs on the full house and the flush, by the way-a full pay Bonus Poker game only pays off at 8 to 1 and 5 to 1 on those hands, respectively. If you were paying attention to the section on Jacks or Better, you already know that such a difference in pay tables on Jacks or Better reduces the payback percentage to under 98%. You get some of that back with the bonus payouts for the 4 of a kind in this game.

But this is a more volatile game as a result. Since the extra percentage points come from the 4 of a kind hands, you won't see them very often. In fact, you'll only see 4 aces 00.02% of the time. That's not very often at all.

Still, any game where you can get a payback percentage of 99%+ is worth looking at. In fact, I recommend that you ONLY play video poker games where you can get such a payout. Jackpot party casino app not working. Bonus Poker is one of them.

Here's one other observation about Bonus Poker. It's a good demonstration of how video poker differs from traditional poker.

Here's why:

When you're looking at a 4 of a kind at a traditional poker table, the higher the rank of the cards, the better the hand. A 4 of a kind made up of 5s beats a 4 of a kind made up of 4s, for example.

But in Bonus Poker, you get paid almost twice as much for a 4 of a kind made up of 4s as you do for a 4 of a kind made up of 5s.

Double Bonus Poker

Double Bonus Poker, along with Deuces Wild, is your best chance of finding a game where you can get an edge over the house at video poker. It's a small edge, though-smaller than full pay Deuces Wild, in fact. The payback percentage on Double Bonus Poker is 100.17% with the right pay table.

As you might have gathered from the game's name, Double Bonus Poker is most similar to Bonus Poker. Here's the difference:

The payoffs for the 4 of a kind hands are literally doubled:

  • Instead of getting 80 to 1 for 4 aces, you get 160 to 1.
  • Instead of getting 40 to 1 for 4 deuces, 3s, or 4s, you get 80 to 1.
  • Instead of getting 25 to 1 for all other 4 of a kinds, you get 50 to 1.

But full pay Double Bonus Poker has another significant and surprising difference-the payouts for the full house and the flush are even higher than in Jacks or Better. On a full pay Double Bonus Poker game, those hands pay out at 10 to 1 and 7 to 1.

How can the casino afford to offer such generous payouts on all these hands?

They've reduced the payoff for 2 pairs from 2 to 1 to even money. Since that hand comes up about once in every 8 hands, cutting the payoff for it in half frees up a lot of money to add to those other hands.

What does this do to the texture of the game?

It makes it even more volatile than Bonus Poker.

Like full pay Deuces Wild, Double Bonus Poker is hard to find, and it's almost impossible to find at higher denominations.

But it's out there if you look-especially if you look at the casinos on Boulder Highway.

Loose Deuces Wild

Loose Deuces Wild has about as much claim to being a 'different' game from Deuces Wild as Bonus Poker does to being a different game from Jacks or Better. The only real difference is the extra payoff amount on the 4 of a kind hand consisting of 2s.

The standard payoff for a 4 of a kind made up of deuces is 200 to 1.

In Loose Deuces, it's 500 to 1.

That's a huge difference, but keep in mind that every time you get something extra from a video poker game, you're losing something somewhere in order to pay for it.

In the most common versions of Loose Deuces, though, the major difference is in the payoff for the straight flush. In a more-or-less standard Deuces Wild game, that hand pays off at 9 to 1. On most Loose Deuces games, it pays off at 8 to 1.

The other thing to keep in mind is that even though a 500 to 1 payoff is great, the odds of getting a 4 of a kind made up of all deuces is relatively small. It's still about 10 times as likely as a natural royal flush, though.

If you can master the correct strategy for this game-which is actually pretty close to the correct strategy for full pay Deuces Wild-you can enjoy a game with a large payback percentage that's comparable to some of the other positive expectation games on this list. I've seen sites listing pay tables for Loose Deuces Wild games where the expected return was 101.60%, but you're a lot more likely to find a game with a 100.15% payback percentage or even 99.2%.

Any of those games are worth playing-it's just that some of them are better than others.

Double Double Bonus Poker

Double Double Bonus Poker is another game on the very short list of games where a video poker player can get an edge over the house. But don't think you're going to make a fortune playing this game-at least not in the long run. The payback percentage for Double Double Bonus when played with perfect strategy is 100.07%, so your edge is tiny.

But what's the difference between Double Double Bonus Poker and Double Bonus Poker?

If you guessed that certain hands get paid off at better odds, then give yourself a gold star.

This game offers higher payoffs for 4 of a kind hands, but it also takes into account the kicker. This makes it unusual, because the kicker in video poker almost never matters.

Here's what the payouts look like on the 4 of a kind hands in Double Double Bonus Poker:

  • 4 aces with a 2, 3, or 4 - 400 to 1
  • 4 deuces, 3s, or 4s with an ace, 2, 3, or 4 - 160 to 1
  • 4 aces with any other kicker - 160 to 1
  • 4 deuces, 3s, or 4s with any other kicker - 80 to 1
  • Any other 4 of a kind - 50 to 1

As you can see, the lower ranked cards are rewarded in the 4 of a kinds in this game. (Most people don't think of an ace as a low card most of the time, but it is in this case. In fact, you can think of this as a game that rewards 4 of a kind hands that have cards lower than 5 in them.)

I mentioned in the section above about how traditional poker and video poker differ in terms of hand rankings. This is an even more prominent example of this.

As with many of the other games I recommend on this page, Double Double Bonus Poker is more volatile than some games (like Jacks or Better). But it's still well worth learning how to play.

Triple Bonus

You'll like the gimmick behind Triple Bonus Poker. It's the same game as Bonus Poker, but instead of doubling the payoffs for 4 of a kind, like Double Bonus Poker does, Triple Bonus multiplies the payoffs by 3.

So here are the payoffs for 4 of a kind in Triple Bonus:

  • 4 aces - 240 to 1
  • 4 deuces, 3s, or 4s - 120 to 1
  • Any other 4 of a kind - 75 to 1

If you can find a Triple Bonus game with the right pay table, the payback percentage is right up there with any of the other big boys on this list-99.94%, in fact. Of course, like most of the games on this list, there are other pay tables available which aren't as generous. You can find Triple Bonus with a payback percentage between 94% and 95%, but once you get to that point, you might as well play the slots.

Pick'em Poker

Pick'em Poker is also sometimes called Pick a Pair Poker. This is one of the most interesting games on the list, as it actually has different gameplay than any of the other games here. It's actually a simplified version of video poker with fewer decisions to make. If you find the right version with the right pay table, the payback percentage is exceptional, too-99.95%.

Here's how the game works:

You start with 2 cards. These are the foundation of your hand.

You also get 2 more cards. These are the ones where you have a decision to make-you choose to keep one of these 2 cards.

Then the machine deals 2 more cards and you get a final hand.

You'll notice that you only have 2 cards to choose from when you're deciding which card to keep and which one to throw away. The first 2 cards, you're stuck with. Then with the next 2 cards, you're stuck with one of them. And in terms of the final 2 cards, well-you don't get to discard either of them, either.

In fact, this game might be considered a video poker version of stud poker. All of the other video poker games that I know of are basically video game versions that sort of combine solitaire with 5 card draw.

One of the advantages that Pick'em Poker offers over the other games on this list is that the strategy is much easier to learn. In fact, most Pick'em Poker games have a great pay table available-it's harder to find a bad pay table for Pick'em Poker than it is to find a good one.

I remember when I first started studying video poker strategy. I bought all of the strategy guides from Bob Dancer and Liam Daily. Most of these books are pretty thick, but the thinnest of them was the strategy guide for Pick'em Poker. When I read it, I realized the strategy for the game was simple enough that a book was almost superfluous.

If you can find this game, you should give it a try. It moves a little faster than the other video poker games on this list, too.

Jokers Wild (or Joker Poker)

Jokers Wild actually has a legitimate claim to being a different game from Jacks or Better and/or Deuces Wild. Not only does it have a different pay table, it's dealt from a different kind of deck. But it's not a deck that's significantly different-the main difference is that there are 53 cards instead of 52. The additional card is a joker, which acts as a wild card.

Best Casino Video Poker

But there's a big difference between Joker Poker and Deuces Wild. That's because there's a big difference between having 4 out of 52 cards being wild and 1 out of 53 cards being wild.

The pay table for this game is similar to that for Jacks or Better, but there are some differences. For one thing, a pair of jacks or higher isn't good enough-the payoffs in Jokers Wild start with a pair of KINGS or better. That's significant, because out of all the possible pairs, you're only looking at 2 of them which pay-kings or aces.

The payoff for 2 pairs is reduced, too. In Jacks or Better, it's 2 to 1, but in Jokers Wild, it's reduced to even money.

Of course, since there's a wild card, you have another hand available that's not available in games without wild cards-the 5 of a kind. This hand pays off at 200 to 1.

The game also distinguishes between a natural royal flush and a wild royal flush. As always, the natural royal flush pays off at 800 to 1. The wild royal flush only pays off at 100 to 1.

With the right pay table and correct strategy, Joker Poker has a payback percentage of 100.64%, making it almost as good a game as full pay Deuces Wild.

ACE$ Bonus Poker

ACE$ Bonus Poker is one of my favorites on the list just because I like the name of the game so much. It also has a legitimate claim to being significantly different from the other games on the list, although really it's just a variation of Bonus Poker. But it's at least an interesting variation.

ACE$ Bonus Poker is played just like Bonus Poker, but there's a difference. The aces are each marked with the following letters:

  • A
  • C
  • E
  • $

Normally in a video poker game, the position of the cards doesn't matter. A 10JQKA is a straight, but so is an AQ10JK.

But since the aces in this game have an extra designation, the game can pay an extra bonus on certain 4 of a kind hands.

If you get 4 aces in the right order-ACE$--you get an 800 to 1 payout.

This is one of the only other video poker games I know of which has a bonus jackpot comparable in size to the jackpot you get when you hit a royal flush.

But don't think this is going to come up very often. It's actually even less likely to come up than a natural royal flush.

That doesn't mean this is a bad game-on the contrary. The full pay version of this game has a payback percentage of 99.4%


I recommend sticking with video poker games where you can get a payback percentage of no less than 99%. If you stick with the 10 games on this list, you'll achieve your goal, but only if you get familiar with the pay tables. The other trick is to raise your standards-simply refuse to play video poker games with a lower payback percentage.

Keep in mind, too, that all of these payback percentages are theoretical long term results. They're also based on the assumption that you're going to play each hand with perfect strategy. You might or might not be that good at video poker. But you can get that good if you're willing to put in the study and practice.

by Devin O'Connor - Senior Gaming Reporter

Guide to Video Poker Games

Poker is a classic game that most people across the world have heard of. But what is video poker? Well, it essentially combines the classic game with advancements in technology which allow gamblers to play such games online. It's not the same as casino poker, which is played against the house, or player versus player poker, which has many versions available online. Rather, it is a game which plays out in individual hands, where the player goes up against the random number generator.


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History of Video Poker

To understand how video poker came about, the history takes us back to their predecessors – poker games. In 1891, New York-based company Sittman and Pitt invented a poker machine which featured five reels, or drums. Each one had pictures of 10 playing cards. The player would insert a coin, pull the handle, and watch the drum spin until it stopped on a playing card, creating a randomly generated hand. In 1898, Charles Fey – who is also known as the man behind the slot machine – invented a machine called the ‘Card Bell'. This was a poker machine which paid up to 20 coins for players who received a royal flush.

In 1901, Fey went on to create the ‘Skill Draw' poker machine. This had a hold feature, whereby the player could hold one or several cards and re-spin the reels in an effort to improve his hand. This was also known as the first five card draw poker machine. Sittman and Pitt weren't to be left behind, as in the early 1900s, they were also manufacturing poker machines with a draw. Poker was largely the preferred game to play during this era, and the draw feature was popular as it allowed people to feel they had more control over the game. Demand was high, and machines were present in liquor stores and tobacco shops throughout America.

Although some believe a full deck of 52 cards were used in these machines, this isn't true – as there were 5 drums of 10 cards, this made a total of 50 cards. The ten of spades and the jack of hearts were usually the missing cards, which resulted in the odds of getting a royal flush being cut in half because a big win in these suits was made impossible.

The first video poker machine was called Poker-Matic, and it was created in 1970 by Dale Electronics. It was installed in practically every Las Vegas casino upon its release, but unfortunately it wasn't a big hit. However, this was the basic machine which others would build on in the future to create the popular video poker games we know and love today. Si Redd, a distributor for Bally's Gaming, promoted a new game to his company executives in Chicago during the 1970s. It was called Video Poker – but this idea was rejected, as the executives didn't want to branch out from their core business of slot machines.

However, Si took the patent, and within months he had made a deal with Fortune Coin Company to form Si Redd's Coin Machines. He was then able to produce video poker games on a mass level, and although interest initially grew slowly, by the early 80s, it was one of the most popular games seen in casinos. As the early configuration required two pairs to make a winning hand, the interest was low, but once this was changed to make the lowest winning hand a pair of jacks as a minimum, the popularity of these machines skyrocketed. When Si took the company public, he renamed it IGT – International Gaming Technology. This company is now recognised across the world as a reputable supplier of casino gaming equipment.

How To Play Video Poker

Simply put, video poker involves a computerized video slot machine which is based on draw poker. The aim of the game is to attempt to make particular poker hand combinations. The outcome of the deck depends on a random number generator, which will shuffle the deck constantly, regardless of whether players are asking the machine to deal or not. As there are around 2.6 million card combinations which could result, there is no way of guessing what you'll draw. Similarly, the more hands you play, the higher the risk you are therefore taking. The rules are the same as draw poker, but there aren't other players to play against, so the aim is to get the highest-ranked five-card poker hand. If you click deal, you will receive your first five cards, and clicking hold allows you to keep certain cards and attempt to improve your hand.

Video Poker Variants

These are the winning hands available in most variants:

  • Royal Flush – Ace, Jack, King, Queen, 10s of a matching suit
  • Straight Flush – Five cards in a numerical sequence with the same suit
  • Flush – Five cards, all with the same suit
  • Straight – Five cards, numbered one after the other, with an identical suit
  • Two Pair – Two cards from the same rank which match; a second matching pair from a different one
  • Three of a Kind – Three cards which both match and are of the same rank
  • Four of a Kind – Four cards which are all in the same rank
  • Full House – Three matching cards from one rank, and two matching cards from another one

Jacks or better – Jacks or better is made up of a 52 card deck, and players can play 3, 5, 10 or 50 hands at once, with a stake between 1 and 5 coins. Once you've selected your stakes and the number of hands you want to play, press deal, and see what cards you're dealt. At this point, you have the option to hold any card to try and improve your chances of landing a winning combination. If you land one of the poker hands displayed in the awards section of the paytable, you win the prize which corresponds to the hand. For every winning hand, you can select Gamble Win, which lights up during the game and allows players to have six chances of guessing the colour or suit of the next card which will be drawn. A correct colour guess improves your winnings by double, and a correctly identified suit quadruples the funds. However, if you guess incorrectly, the bonus will end, and your winnings will return to 0.

Bonus Poker – The gameplay for Bonus Poker is similar to that seen with Jacks or better poker. You can decide how many coins you want to play for, choosing from a range between 1 and 5, and then you'll be dealt a virtual 5-card hand. As video poker is based on draw poker, it's permitted for players to discard certain cards and select new ones in an effort to improve their hand. There are multiple versions of bonus poker, and there are different bonus payouts depending on the ranking of the four of a kind. The full-pay version of Bonus Poker has a return of 99.2%.

Bonus Poker Deluxe – Bonus Poker Deluxe is also a variation of Jacks or better, which is based on five card draw poker. The difference between each edition is the result between hands which are a pair of jacks or higher and a royal flush. With Bonus Poker Deluxe, the payoff is even odds, which is identical to what you'd receive for a single pair. (In Jacks or better, the payoff is 2 to 1, which is higher). However, the payoff for four of a kind is increased.

Double Bonus Poker – The full pay version of double bonus poker is rarely seen in land based casinos, and isn't available to play online. It offers additional payouts for hands with four of a kind, and you will get a payout of 800 credits when playing with five credits. The variance is higher, as it is set at 28.3. This means a player will need a higher bankroll than they would with Jacks or better. The most common versions of double bonus poker available online have RTPs of 99.37% and 99.11%, but the best payout available is 99.2%, which is seen in the All Aces version of the game.

Double Double Bonus Poker – As is the pattern we've had so far, Double Double Bonus Poker is a variation of Bonus Poker, which is in itself a variation of Jacks or better. There is an extra ‘double' attached to the name of this game due to the extra-high payouts for those who achieve a 4 of a kind hand.This is balanced out by reducing the payouts awarded for those who land a 2 pair from 2 to 1 to even money. If the right pay table is used, the player can achieve a small edge over the house.

Bally's All AmericanThis variant of Jacks or better sees certain adjustments made to the pay table for key hands. Although the brand is well established, knock-offs have emerged which feature titles that are patriotic-sounding.The payouts for a straight, flush or full house have been reduced, but four of a kind and straight flush will award a significantly higher amount. The payouts for the special hands – Straight, Flush and Full House – stand at 8 credits apiece, although some online casinos reduce it to 7 credit payouts.

Tens or BetterThis game is closely related to Jacks or Better, but offers a much easier win for the player. This is because you only need a minimum of two 10s in order to receive a payout – while in Jacks or better, you need a pair of Jacks.Because of the increased easiness of this game, the variant offers smaller payouts when compared to others. There is also a slightly lower variance than seen in most video poker games due to the number of paying hands being increased.

Joker's WildThis variation of video poker is unique in that it's played with a 53-card deck, which includes a joker card. As with the other editions, you will begin by drawing five cards at random. You can then choose which cards you're going to keep in your hand, and which you're going to discard.If you discard any, these are replaced by new ones, which will hopefully contribute towards a winning hand. If you receive the joker card, this acts as a wild card, and can pretend to be any card in the deck – any suit, any rank, however it will help you to win.

Deuces Wild – This is a popular edition of video poker, whereby any ‘two' a player is dealt is a wild card. Therefore, this game will see the biggest hands appear. Deuces Wild offers the biggest change when it comes to strategy. There is also the introduction of the winning hand ‘Five of a kind', which is landed when a player has a combination of twos and any other card. If you have four twos, you get the second biggest payout in the game.

Video Poker vs Classic Poker

There are some similarities when it comes to video poker and classic poker

  • Both video poker and classic poker have several offshoots inspired by the original game. With video poker, there are many different types of draw poker, and with classic poker, there are many stud varieties, as well as high-low games.
  • The hand rankings are similar. The better your hand in both video poker and classic poker, the higher your payout. For example, a player will receive more for a full house than they will for three of a kind.

There are also several key differences between the two games which are worth taking a look at:

  • The royal flush is worth more in video poker. In classic poker, there isn't much of a difference between a king-high straight flush and a royal flush, with either hand winning the pot if it's drawn. However, the difference between these two hands is massive in video poker.
  • Fewer decisions are made in video poker. There are several betting rounds in classic poker, and players will often have to make numerous decisions during each of them. In video poker, however, there is only one point at which the player needs to make a decision – before the draw. Once it happens, the game is over. Even if you swap in cards, you won't be playing several rounds of the same game, especially if you're playing on a machine or against a random number generator.
  • It's clearer how much hands are worth in video poker. For example, you will know how much a royal flush or three of a kind will net you. But in classic poker, you can't know for sure that certain hands will be winners, and you may burn through a fair amount of cash before finding out the answer.
  • It is easier to help a fellow player in video poker. Although some people don't like another player sharing their advice, it isn't as frowned upon to help a fellow punter in a game of video poker. However, players working together or helping each other out in classic poker is strictly prohibited.

Frequently asked questions

Which variation of video poker should I play?

This decision is a personal one and doesn't have to be set in stone. Some may want to try several variants of video poker before deciding on one to stick with, while others may constantly flit around. Some may enjoy a simple game of Jacks or better, while others may want the Tens or better variant for a higher payout. In many ways, you are spoilt for choice.

How is video poker different from slots?

Slots games are designed based on luck and don't require any skill or strategy to play. However, video poker requires a combination of luck and skill, where strategies can be implemented to influence the amount they win or lose during a session. Therefore, the payback percentage can be improved, unlike in slots, where it will remain static.

Should I bet the maximum amount of coins in video poker?

Although this decision remains up to you, many recommend that you do this during a round, This is because if you receive a royal flush, the payout will be much larger than if you hit it with a lower number of coins. If you can't afford max coins on a particular game, combat this by moving to one with a lower coin denomination, as you will most likely find you'll do better in the long run.

How do I read a pay table for video poker games?

There are five columns on a pay table, which list the poker hands that will net a win for the player. The first column shows how much you'll win with a bet of one coin, and so on up to the max bet of five coins. It's important to consider how much a game will pay out for certain hands, as you can then work out the payout percentage and therefore whether it's worth playing.

What is a progressive jackpot in video poker?

A progressive jackpot is a pool of prize money that keeps ticking over and increasing until one lucky player wins it. The jackpot is usually available across a group or network of machines or games, so that it can be won in more than one location. It's also possible for a player to win a progressive jackpot if they hit a royal flush while betting the maximum amount of five coins. If the video poker game you're playing offers a progressive jackpot for a max coin bet win, it's strongly recommended to bet max on each occasion, as this drastically improves the payout percentage of that game.

What are multi-hand machines in video poker?

If you have the option to play a multi-hand game of video poker, this means you can play multiple hands at the same time. While some games let you play five hands at once, others will allow gameplay with up to 100 hands at any one time. As you may have guessed, you'll need a larger bankroll to play more hands, because each one is counted as a separate hand.

Should I always try and get a Royal Flush?

This isn't the best strategy to follow with a game of video poker. Essentially, you should adapt your strategy according to the best one available for your particular game. It can be tempting to try and keep two cards if they will help you get a royal flush, but if this goes against the strategy for the game itself, try and avoid doing this. If you have three cards towards a royal flush, see if you already have a winning hand. If you have four cards towards one, try and draw the fifth card to get it and land the big win. It can seem counterintuitive to not always try and go for the main winning hand, but avoiding the general game strategy in favour of this method can reduce the payout percentage.

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